Thursday, November 7, 2013

Super Urban Exploring!

         Welcome back!   I have many new ideas and posts in the works for this very page.  As I have said before- as our bank account grows--so will the adventures I tell about!  All across this great state.  Hopefully soon turning into full weekend trips very soon.  This weekend the kids and I plan to Explore up by the caves again  this time going when the huge visitors center is actually open.  And I hope to be on a mini Exploring trip tomorrow, after business of course.   Both will make picture filled blog posts very soon in our future.  Please share this link -it greatly needs more readers!   Today I wish to talk about what I call super urban Exploring.  This post took a long time in the making, because the pictures I wanted to use were on several computers.  I have written on this topic before in my Exploring Bellingham Washington pages.  Quick hikes starting from just behind big stores and such that could become very enjoyable.  Benson Arizona is a much smaller town, but such hikes fill the area.   Arizona is really great with pets, because with a very short drive in any direction, you can find yourself surrounded by desert and all it offers to Explore.   Much of it very beautiful.   I attempt to pick a different spot to pull over and roam each time.  Below is a sample of such areas found very close to town.  

Extra large ant hill
I do not know about around here, but were I grew up
you can often find Indian beads in ant hills.
Because the ants do not know them from sand or pebbles.

        But first a quick warning, or two!   First as always in the desert take lots of water.  Extra if you are roaming with pets and or kids.  Even though all of these areas are very close to town, it is easy to keep Exploring and soon be very far away from your vehicle.  It is much cooler outside now, but that full on sunshine over your head can still be dangerous.  Also the temperatures are dipping close to freezing levels at night now, so if you are a night adventure, but not used to the colder temps- be sure to dress in layers.   Lastly coyotes and such are getting very bold this year.  Two weeks ago we encountered three dead, mostly eatin' dogs in an area greatly inside Benson city limits.  We are not sure what got to the animals, and were not planning on sticking around long enough to find out.  The desert is great to Explore, but is also full of dangers.  Always be very aware of your surroundings on any hike.   That said   on to some pictures!!

     Just past the railroad tracks, the highway overpass and the two motels is a lot of open desert to Explore.   This is also were we found the dead dogs and have spotted several wild pigs.    Above is Butch's first hike in the area. 

                                             Every size, shape, and type of cactus can be found on a long enough hike.

On the same road---closer to town we parked in the old -closed down fast food joints parking lot and Explored.

 On this day I had the two boys
and our Husky

By the rail road tracks. 

Some old buildings to Explore.
But people camp out in these --so be careful

Make your mark!

                   I have talked before about the rolling hills to Explore just beyond the city pool.
    Near the High Street cemetery is many miles of such areas to roam. 

                                              The view from up here is great also.

Roaming around the other cemetery

                   A few days back we followed Mark Street to the dead end and found some more trails.

                                                 Looking out from the top of the hills off Mark Street.  

                                                    There is even a BBQ, bench, and table in the area, but you
                                                    have to cross into private property.  
                                                            This also gives a view of the gas pipelines over the San Pedro River.
                                                       Another place to roam. 

        I do not have any pictures but if you park at the bowling alley ---and hike up that hill, you have a great view of the entire town and area!  I am not sure -as in many of these areas --if the owners encourage Exploring.  But I have found if I have a kid or two with me, not to many people say anything.   I also have learned with the new dog----a pit bull, no one stops to ask me anything. 

                                  Behind the college also allows for some interesting trails and views. 

We also found this great spot for some King Of The Hill!

                                This particular trip was cut short, when these clouds started to circle. 
                          None produced rain that day, but we still made a V-line for the house, just in case. 

                       I personally believe this is a great place to Explore!   Many of the buildings are open.
                           I have more pictures from here in a past blog post.   Many people to crash here at night so watch              when you visit and watch your step. 

On this night we had hours of fun slugging golf balls into the desert.

This area in around the usually empty San Pedro River is another great
place to Explore. 

And of course downtown and around the visitors center offer many great sights
in a paved environment. 


                                  Lastly for this fine day---PLEASE check out this very fine web sight.
                                By a very enterprising young gentlemen.  It is an amazing sight and I give it three thumbs up!!


                                                                               Check it out----do it now! 

                                                                 MY blog rundown
Some of my better pictures end up here:
My newest page all about Arizona and what it has to offer everyone!
My longest running blog series. Full of random rambling, Exploring, jokes, rants, and of course coffee love!


Please also do not forget to check out MY Facebook page!
Perfect for commenting directly to me.
Most of my thoughts, jokes, and pictures end up on this page before they become a blog
Please check it out and click on "like"

Also we are starting a take a book leave a book program from our car port.
We have had amazing support  
but if you live in the Benson area or
just like to read please check out our Facebook page.
It has all of our current books and our address so you can check them out !

Getting 10 more boxes of donated books tomorrow!

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